Privacy Agreement

I. Overview

This Privacy Agreement is intended to define Crazy Farm Simulator's policies and practices regarding the collection, use, storage and protection of users' personal information. This agreement applies to all users of the Crazy Farm Simulation application.

II. Collection of Personal Information

The Crazy Farm Simulator application does not collect personal information about users, including sensitive information such as names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. The App only collects the following non-personal information:

A. Version number: used to track the version and update of the application.

B. Phone model: Used to understand the type of device used by the user in order to improve the performance and flexibility of the application.

III. Information security

The Crazy Farm Simulator app uses advanced encryption to protect user information security. All data is stored encrypted on the device and the application does not transfer the data to the server.

IV. Data Modification and Deletion

Users can change or delete their information in the Crazy Farm Simulation application at any time. The deletion will permanently delete the information and is not recoverable.

Users can uninstall the Crazy Farm Simulation application at any time, in which case the application will automatically delete all collected information.


This Privacy Agreement is governed by applicable law. Users shall comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Any dispute regarding this Privacy Agreement shall be settled by friendly negotiation. If negotiations fail, either party may refer the dispute to a court of competent jurisdiction under the applicable law.

VI. Data sharing and disclosure

The Crazy Farm Simulator app does not share or disclose users' personal information or sensitive user data with any third party. Apps will only share non-personal information in the following circumstances:

A. Updated versions: When a new version of the application is released, the user's phone model and version number may be collected to optimize compatibility and performance. This information will not be used for any other purpose and will be deleted after the new version is released.

B. Troubleshooting and Optimization: In order to improve the performance and user experience of the Application, developers may collect certain non-personal information (such as crash reports and error logs) to troubleshoot and optimize the Application. This information is used only for internal analysis and improvement purposes and will not be shared with any third parties.

Crazy Farm Simulation uses strict security measures to protect users' data. All data is stored encrypted on the device and only the user can access their information. The application does not transfer data to a server or any other location except for service provision or troubleshooting purposes.

Crazy Farm Simulation does not have a data reservation policy because all data is stored on the user's device and can be removed or modified at any time. When the user uninstalls the application, all collected information is automatically deleted.


Users with objections to the game's information collection and use can contact customer service to complain and report.

The game will handle complaints and reports promptly, responding within a reasonable period.

Users believing that information collection infringes on their rights can seek legal recourse.


Definition and Scope of Application

"Users under the age of 13" refers to those under 13 at registration or product/service usage. These terms apply to the protection of their personal information.

Information Collection and Use

For users under 13, no personal information like name or email address is collected, and no sale or rent of such information occurs.

Privacy Protection

Reasonable security measures, including encryption technology and access control, are employed to protect the personal information of users under 13. No disclosure to third parties occurs without consent.


The game retains the interpretation rights of this agreement.

Modifications will be announced publicly, with the revised Agreement taking effect upon announcement.